Estia Ltd.
Cultural Heritage Restoration
During more than thirty years of operation, the company’s restorers have worked mainly in the fields of fresco, stone, mosaic, stucco, terracotta, and paintings on canvas and panel.
Restoration activities are carried out by specialized technicians, each in his or her own area of expertise, coordinated by restorers qualified at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.

Restoration and Design activities
In addition to field work, after the entry into force of the 2004 Decree 42 which requires the signature of a restorer for interventions on cultural heritage in Italy, Estia has been involved in numerous design activities. Over the last 10 years, Estia has developed more than 60 restoration projects on artworks, decorated surfaces or stone elements

Where we operate
Estia Ltd. operates throughout the country and abroad, being able to intervene, with the same degree of control and quality, in several construction sites at the same time.
The company has developed special expertise in the recovery of decorative apparatus in buildings damaged by seismic events. Their own restorers have long been involved in restorations following the earthquakes in Valnerina (1979-1985), southeastern Sicily (1990), Umbria and Marche (1997), L’Aquila (2009) and central Italy (2016).
Our locations
Bastia Umbra - Perugia / Via A. Gramsci n. 116
Milan - Corso Italia no. 9
Camerino - Via Favorino n. 12 -
Santa Maria degli Angeli - Via dei Vetturali snc -
Restoration Laboratory
Bastia U. - Via S. Francesco No. 9