Charterhouse – Pavia

Restoration of the Small Cloister

The Restoration work involved the decorated surfaces of the so-called ‘small’ cloister of the Certosa di Pavia complex, property of the State Property Office in consignment to the Cistercian Monastic Order. The cloister layout dates to the 15th century, and the wall paintings to the 17th century. The Small Cloister of the Carthusian Monastery of Pavia constitutes a kind of closed environment. Every season the great presence of environmental humidity strongly affects the triggering and formation of degradation processes of constituent and contributed materials over time. In the impossibility of acting in a direct form on the environmental conditions, the restoration was focused on preserving and enhancing the decorative ensemble articulated in different technical and artistic expressions in dialogue with each other. The Restoration involved a wide variety of decorative elements: decorative terracotta elements, stone elements, undecorated terracotta elements, historic plaster, wall paintings, washbasin, metal elements, exposed brick walls, and terracotta flooring.

Restauro Beni Culturali